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Zero999 said:

maybe it's not a centerpiece to you, but it is to many. and someone saying nintendo is not a colossal, just wow.

Have you SEEN the WiiU's sales?  I have confidence they will turn it around, as they did for the 3DS, but right now it's nothing.  the WiiU is losing to the damn VITA, and the VITA is notoriously for its continued failures despite a solid library and outstanding features.  

As for your points, much as I hate to just whimsically dismis you, I fear I may have to.  I love Nintendo as well as the next guy (Have always been a nintendo guy my whole life except about a 3 year period between 2009 and 2012 when the Wii sucked balls), but your arguments are just so damn remarkably off the mark.  your assertion that the "WiiU is almost as powerful" as its competition is an absolute joke, and your assertions about indie titles are just plain wrong.  

I don't WANT to argue against Nintendo, as I've always been a fanboy for their offerings, but seeing some of the arguments you just posted makes me a shamed to call myself a nintendo fanboy.  

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