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bobgamer said:

It's useless, he obviously knows better than developers /s

Edit: Let me get that post that i absolutely love. Here:

Zero999 said:
goopy20 said:
Zero999 said:

you don't give up, do you? the only one complaining about wii us specs is you, someone who doesn't know what those specs are.

bolded: you don't understand =/= devs don't understanding.

Come on now dude lol. Off course I don't understand the specs, but developers get paid to know those sort of things. They worked on it and this were basically the reactions we were getting from them. Don't shoot the messenger man.

EA Developer: Wii not powerful enough for next-gen titles

Wii U 'Has A Horrible, Slow CPU' Says Metro Last Light Dev

Unreal 4 skipping Wii U

Insomniac Not Working On Wii U, Considers It More "Current Gen

Wii U to miss out on 15 EA games using Frostbite Engine 3


biased, lies, biased based on lies. you need more solid things.

why are you doing this to yourself? those amazing "true" links again? it only helps to prove my point.