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dgm6780 said:
I see nothing wrong with the article posted. You didnt really expect the Wii to satisfy a real gamer did you? Some Wii owners will get pretty tired of mini games and mario and uhm mario mini games and look for a more serious HD console.

So are saying that the PS3 isnt THE HD console of choice right now? Or that people who have a Wii now are just going to suck it up and go thier friends house to play GTA or CoD4 or FFXIII?

OMFG your serious aren't you? That's straight out of Wii bingo. I swear, do you know what littleman syndrome is?


It's when a guy is short, and tries to make up for it by getting into fights and talking big, ect.


You are a PS3 fanboy with littleman syndrome.


Your sales are short, and your are trying to make up for it by flaming the big dude, trying to fight him, and having the loudest mouth in the room.


I have a PS3, trust me, it's not all roses and lollypops in the land of PS3 only owners nowadays. Stop pretending your console is the best just because you want it to be.


It's called cognative dissonance.


Also, don't bandwagon jump on any article that is pro PS3. It makes you look...well, I won't flame you, but when you think that graph looks right, you might be a little "not right" in the head, if you catch my meaning. Maybe the Wii will lose userbase and shut me up, but until then, I'm telling it how it is. Straight talk. Gotta be honest, man. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.