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Gindhouse was amazing. The whole thing was a freaking PERFECT mix of comedy and horror, and the fake previews were amazing. My oown short list as well in the order of time spent playing games:

1. Super Smash Bros. Melee - I still play this CONSTANTLY.  It's crack, made in video game format.

2. The Pokemon Universe - ARGH! I can never catch them all but I always have to try! Damn it! I have over 150 hours played in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl already

3. Harvest Moon games - yeah I'm a quirky kinda gamer sometimes. Harvest moon is such an awesome series and I play it constantly

4. Final Fantasy games - I always have to do everything in them. EVERYTHING!

5. tLoZ Wind Waker - I spend a lot of time messing around in all Zelda games but this one especially took up much of my life

6. Starcraft

7. Warcraft 3

8. GTA 3 (pick your version)

9. Metroid Prime games

10. Dragon Quest games