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Something that people don't seem to realize. Now when a kid plays a game like Call of Duty, or something that is clearly adult games, and lets say he... kills a bunch of his friends in a online match. because he has fun doing that, he would also think its fun to do the real thing, and start shooting his friends next time at school right?... of course not. when you kill a person in a video game, the consequences are minimal, infact a lot of the time its beneficial (in the game) but in real life, when you kill someone, they will never respawn. they will never comeback. everyone has only one life, and there are no 1-ups in this world. much pain is caused, and considering you just killed your friend, your probably the one in the most pain right now.

the real world has dire and heavy consequences compared to the video game world, and kids know that. the ones that can't tell the difference between the two worlds, like the 8 year old we're talking about, are either really stupid, or mentally sick/wakko/crazy as hell... usually both. and this is usually the fault of bad parenting/guidance.

blaming video games in this situation is like blaming alcohol for killing a kid that drank to much of it because he didn't know any better or his PARENTS DIDN'T HIDE THE GOD DAMN VODKA!!!... lol
and we don't see the press blame alcohol in situations like that right? of course not! its obviously the parents who get blamed, and rightfully so.

Video Games, please drink play responsibly.

thats my take on it, but Its probably what everyone here already knows :p