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currently speaking, it is successful thus far, that's why it's having the server issues (More people than expected, a lot of the worlds full). Online centric games always have problems at launch. I think they should have had more worlds and limited the amount in each world, except for friend invites.

That said, as with most MMO's I've played (I've played EverQuest, FFXI, TOR, Guild Wars). I still find it a bit boring, not as boring as TOR, I know it becomes more interesting the farther you get, but yeah. The world, and art design is beautiful, and music is fantastic.

The lack of VA's is a bit dissapointing, maybe there are more spots with more I would like to know, I'm not counting on it.

I'm limetree if anyone wants to add, I'll start a new character or something and join a world. I'm sort of waiting til they get their server issues through, to spend much time on it though.