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If I'm going to be diplomatic, I'm going to say Sony.

Sony is often willing to stick with a poor performing new IP to allow it to develop, rather than just abandoning it.

Microsoft doesn't stick with well liked, critically strong, poor selling new IPs. They seems to always want it's new IPs to be a success out of the gate, like Halo.

The same thing happens in TV. If NBC had never allowed Seinfeld or Friends to develop, neither would have lasted beyond the first year. Yet NBC execs stuck with the two shows and allowed them to keep developing.

The thing you want to avoid is Heroes. A show that comes out strong, but waffles the ball, then fumbles, and ultimately leaves the game due to a concussion. Some franchises, for instance, Sony just doesn't know to give up on. Because while they have a dedicated following, they're not really making Sony money to do the investment justice.

I can't think of a new, unique IP from Nintendo that suggests that they'd be capable of creating one. Not that it wouldn't be good, but if someone can point me to a new IP that Nintendo has done that would help.