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Chubear said:

*sigh* Are you an MGS fan in any sort of way? I ask cause if you aren't it'll be kinda pointless to explain this... but I'll try ('uck! I said I wont' do stuff like this anymore but what the hell I guess)


There are other little things that contribute to MGS4 selling better but they're too tidious to go thorugh. Let me guess, you still don't get it and find my reasoning flawed uh? *sigh* just take my comments as crazy "fanboy" ramblings and like I said, just watch.

You may well be correct.  I misread your original statement as saying that MGS4 would outsell all other titles on the PS3, not all other MGS titles.  Your statement with that misreading does look like a crazy prediction. 

Saying that this incarnation will outsell the others however is not crazy, especially with some of the hype behind it.  I hope it does outsell the rest; a strong showing that a big budget game can be very profitable would be interesting.