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ShinmenTakezo said:
Machiavellian said:
ShinmenTakezo said:
Machiavellian said:
You can tell me I am wrong all day but can you prove I am wrong.  You say cloud compute is cloud compute but you did not take the time to actually read up on what Orleans is but dismiss the technology without even understanding what it does.  If the tech is new and the implementation is different then what others are doing then it would mean its MS Cloud compute as they use it to solve business problems.  What that means is the technology was built to solve a problem which is game code compute.  Its implementation is different then MS other compute services like hosting business applications etc.  

I was not arguing what the OP stated, I was arguing my opinion on the subject.  So yes you are right on that one scope but your other points do not cover everyone

Orleans isn't a new way to cloud compute. It is a software framework MS developed to simplify the development of cloud services. Thats MS' own definition of Orleans.

All cloud compute soltutions are based on software.  Its a development platform for cloud computing which isn't something you can just easily dismiss.  Its being able to leverage a language like C# to handle decrete portion of your code in the cloud and apply as many resources to process that call as needed.  The difference in Orleans is that you have a full cloud development environment and framework to process pieces of your code.

Check this link out and the video how 343 is using it for their games

At least now it appears you actually read up on it.  Its a complete infrastructure to handle computation resources.  Its MS implementation of cloud compute to solve a specific problem for game related code.  The problem I had with your previous statements is that you dismissed something that MS has worked on for 3 years as if there is no significant development on the platform.  

I dissmissed it because it wasn't and isn't what you think it is, or what MS PR bullshit has been saying it is. All Orleans is is a way to create a shit ton of virtual servers at once. It isn't really all that special it's more PR bull straight from MS. Why don't you try finding something about Orleans not by a MS employee. No graphical enhancements. Watch the video, all they talk about is "talking" to a bunch of devices at once and running apps. No talk of graphical enhancements. Just a total lie on how it gives the One unlimited power.

First and formost all MS resources are virtualize.  There is a big reason for this and its the reason they can maintain 100% uptime for their customers.  Read up on the partnership between Samsung and MS on MS datacenters and how MS software decouple business software from the hardware.  On Azure, if a cusotmer software is running and someone just pulls the plug on a datacenter, the customer would not see a break in their process.  The reason is that MS does not tie the software to hardware but instead there is a pool of resources.  IF one source goes down, another picks up the work switching between these nodes are seamless and the customer never experience any downtime.

So when you dismiss these "Virtual Servers" it shows me you have not done your homework and you really do not know how Azure works and the software MS built to manage all of it without having to have thousands of admins administrating thousands of servers.

Actually it was talkig about sending thousand of bits of information and using thousands of servers to process that information.  It appears you got tunnel vision.  Even when MS talked about cloud computing they never talked about graphics so if thats what you were looking for then I am sorry.  What Orleans does is allow thousands of pieces of code to be executed and routed anywhere in the world at split second speed.  This would be the same for game code.