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dharh said:
errorpwns said:

Aside from the fact you claimed it would cost them extra money to develop for the gamepad. Which is obviously an incorrect statement since it requires hardly anytime to get the gamepad running. 4J could be doing the Wii-U development, but I highly doubt Minecraft will make it to the Wii-U. If it does however I can bet you that it will be 4J overseeing the development. I believe that minecraft for the Wii-U would sell pretty good too once the console started selling higher volumes. Also I highly doubt Sony is footing any bill. More than likely 4J and Mojang saw how well it sold on the 360 and once Mojangs exclusive contract with Microsoft was up they finally were able to release it on other consoles.

To make good use of the gamepad I think it would cost extra. Just in terms of trying to figure out something to put there that wouldn't be stupid or piss on Wii U owners. Putting the inventory there just seems so lame, just like putting the map there. Then again, maybe Wii U owners would be happy with the just having the inventory there.

I think there's gotta be some insentivising going on for Mojang and 4J to be putting time and effort into the Vita version.

Not really. Developing for a second screen isn't hard at all. The DS has been around for years. An inventory, crafting screens, etc. That is all you need down there honestly. Maybe a guide to pull up for redstone. It isn't tricky to brainstorm.