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Licence said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
JWeinCom said:
A) The god in the old testament is not portrayed as being omniscient and omnipresent as people conceive him to be now. Take for instance the story of Cain and Abel. After Abel is killed God asks him what happened indicating that he did not know. There are lots of other examples that show stuff like that.

I think thats a test, not really that he didn't know. You know kind of like how your girlfriend asks you a question when she knows the answer, but she really just wants to hear you say what shes hoping you'll say. 

If God was omniscient he would not need to do a test - he would know how the test goes beforehand!

I am not religious, but I used to be a Christian. God tested his subjects all the time in the books. Its kind of a faith, loyalty, emotional problem. As I said...kind of like a woman. Its the same reason he tested Abraham and made him attempt to kill his son. He wanted to test his faith. He knows the outcome, but for some reason he has to test peoples faith.