Mmmfishtacos said:
Dude, don’t care about your back ground don’t mean shit really in the context of what Sony can and can’t afford to do. Here’s the thing, Sony doesn’t need to have the largest network of cloud severs there is. Their own, Gaikai is large enough to support ps4 for the first year or more. And they are adding to it. To think they can’t just turn around and use the same severs for setting up online matches and whatever is, eats away at your credibly. They have already stated so, and that they would and Devs could use it in the same way. So you’re saying again? Oh money. Right. I guess you were on the bandwagon of Sony can't afford ps4/vita/Gaikai or anything else they've done and bought over the past few years, right? You believe the cloud hype too much, and what's more is you claim to be an expert in the field. |
My background means I work with this technology. I know the cost of what it takes, I know what it means to have servers around the world to host customers solutions, I know how much it cost to pay another company for servers and host your software on it. Thats what having a background in the field gives me. It means I know how much it cost to have Azure as a hosted solution, It means I know how much it cost to have Amazon because we looked to partner with them all. You are comparing Gaikai which cost Sony 500 million when MS has spent 14 billion in 5 years. One billion this year alone and 700 million on a new facility they are building now. You are trying to tell me that Sony can cover the world with enough servers to make the experience smooth for all multiplayer games running on their system using Gaikia limited servers. You are making assumptions about something you have no experience in or with. Can Sony just spin up a dedicated server anywhere in the world like MS can, NO they cannot. You think the software to do something like this just take a month to create, it takes years. If Sony could just do it, it would be done and no amount of guessing they can do it will make that happen.
Stating you can do something and doing it are a world different. MS is doing it now, Companies are doing dedicated servers on their system now. Developers are talking about what MS has in place now. MS has spent 3 years developing the infrastructure now. This stuff does not happen over night. When Sony does it then you can say I told you so but until then I do not see it. Its a money issue no matter how you spin it. You either have the servers in place or you pay someone that does. Think about it this way. Apple who is the riches tech company out there has to use MS and Amazon Azure for their cloud services. That should tell you how this is not a switch you can just turn on. It takes a lot of money time and resources.