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ethomaz said:

Machiavellian said:

Maybe we are getting confused with what a press only event is because you just explained it.  They get hands on with the device, they get to interview people responsible for the hardware and software.  They get to demo the features released so far and new info MS will reveal.  That is what a press only event usually is.  Why waste the press time with a long winded speach when they can go directly to the source and get all the info they desire.

That's what we call "showcase"... press conference is another thing.

Anyway... you said I was wrong when in fact MS planned a press conference of 1.5 hours and changed to a showcase event.

Machiavellian said:
ethomaz said:

Nsanity said:

We've known this for days..

No streaming yeah but I think a closed press conference was planned but now just a showcase.

Nope, last twitter from Larry and Phil was about the press only event so that is still happening

From what I remember it was always going to be a press only event from quite a while ago.  They never stated it was going to be a conference.