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ethomaz said:
If the October release was confirmed at GamesCom then Sony will be over MS no matter what MS do. It is like Sony is creating that since February doing the right thing in PR department to ends with this "early" launch.

Everything flow right to the Sony side.

You really think launching a few weeks before MS will really make that much of a differenece.  Man, do you guys just live for one day or what.  Will it really be such a big deal if Sony launch at the end of Oct, and MS launch at Mid Nov.  Both consoles probably will see the most purchase during black friday anyway going up to Christmas.  When all is said and done, both consoles will need to continue to deliver and advantage throughout their lifecycle or the other company could lead a charge.  There are so many variables for the life of both consoles that only fanboys would get excited about a 2 week launch window compared to years these consoles will be on the market.