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makingmusic476 said:
Bodhesatva said:

I definitely don't think it's crazy to suggest that MGS4 will beat MGS3. Halo 3 it isn't, but I think we coudl see something akin to DMC4/DMC3:

MGS4 is more heavily advertised, bundled with the system, and is one of fewer major games. MGS3 was less well advertised, was not bundled, and was one in a sea of major PS2 exclusives.

Therefore, I think it's possible that despite the lower user base, MGS4 may match or even surpass MGS3, and could hit 5 million sold.

Not saying that's a definite, by any means, just isn't outside the realm of possibility, either.

Also, MGS4 has the next-gen "WOW" factor, much like DMC4, that MGS3 and DMC3 (and GT4, and Tekken 5, etc.) did not.

MGS3, DMC3, GT4, Tekken 5, etc. all sold worse than their immediate predecessors, often despite being much better games (like Tekken 5 vs Tekken 4).   Updated graphics, as well as other new features, can really push people to get back into a series.

This is the reason why I haven't bought a Dynasty Warriors game since DW3, yet I'm planning on picking up DW6.  It has more than just negligible improvements over it's predecessors, and it's enough to warrant a purchase. 

Great post. I've been saying for a long time that an established series tends to sell better when it's the first release on a new console. As you point out, updated graphics is a large part of that. That's been a major disappointment for me with the Wii, where the new hype (see Mario Party 8) is mostly on the new controls that are rarely making gameplay better. But back to MGS4: it's obviously a very hyped game that will sell well. Halo didn't sell much better WW than MGS1 and 2, and no one doubted Halo 3 would sell (even though it was just passed by multiplatform CoD4). Oh well, it won't be long.