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It is no secret the WiiU selling horribly. Nintendo is having a very hard time convincing consumers to buy a WiiU (still a ridiculous name btw). The hype for the WiiU is at an all time low, specially with next gen consoles coming out in just a few months. speaking of next gen consoles will the PS4 manage to outsell or outship the WiiU in 2013? lets take a look at the numbers and facts

The WiiU has just shipped 390K in Q1 and 160K in Q2 this year. meaning a tottal of just 550K for the first half of the year, PS4 will probably outsell that in its first week on the market.

According to VGC the WiiU sold just 1,115,204 units the entire year so far, can sales pick up? or will the PS4 manage to outsell it?

The WiiU is confirmed to still be taking a loss on each unit so a price drop is mostl likely not happening.


The Sales of the WiiU have been nothing short of abyssal in 2013, with no price cut coming and the hype for next gen consoles such as the PS4 and Xbox one, will the WiiU manage to pick up its sales? if the PS4 comes out the gate running, will it manage to outsell the WiiU's entire year in a matter of months?


Edit : just to make it clear, i am not talking about life time sales, just sales in 2013