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darkknightkryta said:
prayformojo said:

I believe I called it. People who are too young to remember or have short attention spans, Playstation DOMINATED the US for more then a decade (1995-2006). I know it's a very small sample size, but in MY personal life and working in retail for the last few years, I have seen a sea shift towards the Playstation 3. It's really weird because from 2006-2009ish, just SAYING "PS3" was difficult without it being met with disdain. Now, it seems like every where I look, kids are playing Playstation again lol.

This generation is going to be to Sony what the PS1 generation was. They're going to win the US and win by a large margin. Whether it's due to their competitors failures, their genius, or both, that's the way I see it going this gen.

Playstation is back.

You in the U.S.?  Cause our numbers have the PS3 still selling significantly less than the 360 there.  

Yes, but I think that's in large part due to the kinect crowd. Obviously, these are just my guesses and opionins, but working retail and paying attention to buyer trends, I noticed that most of the gamers wanted PS3 and the 360's, they were selling to moms. Since I started my new job in October, I can only think of one time I had a question about an Xbox, or Xbox games, from someone I'd say was a gamer. The opposite is true for the PS3. The nerds, the hard core gamers, the college kids, they were always asking "do you have any new PS3 games in". It was really weird because like you said, our numbers show otherwise. The only conclusion I can come to is the casual effect. We all know how Kinect had an impact on their image etc.

I honestly believe the PS brand is THE brand again in the US. I think casual gaming is dying off and we're going back to the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube days where it's core gamers that win the day and that's why the Wii-U and Xbox One are stuggling. I mean, what's the ONE thing PS3 gambled on correctly? Core gamers. They made Move, but didn't sell out with it to the point of rebranding their entire image. I think that paid off and we're going to see the return of PS dominance which is good because it means the other two will have to follow suit and nothings better for gamers than core games, right?