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Raven722 said:
PsicloneX said:
i think alot of peoples,s pipe dreams will explode when the dust settles,just wow.....4 to 1 impossible i think not in usa.

A lot of people didn't think the Wii was going to do well at all. Many people expected the Nintendo 64 to crush the PlayStation when it came out. Few people anticipated the Xbox 360 to do as well as it did. Even more people thought the PlayStation 3 was going to dominate (pre-price reveal). Why? All based on history. For as much as they try to use history to assert their own personal beliefs they never seem to learn that in this industry the past counts for little as it has shown time and again. It is not impossible at all for the Xbox One to be beaten that badly in the US. Do not count on the performance of the Xbox 360 in North America to translate to NOT getting the snot kicked out of the Xbox One in the same region. Do I feel that a 4 to 1 difference is likely? No I don't but it is far from impossible.

I believe as people have caught on it has made economonical sense now how these consoles have sold good or bad. Until Microsoft drops the Kinect sku  Sony is going to force them between a rock and a hard place. If anyone today is in denial as to how the 360, PS and Wii sold, its pretty obvious. This generation is going to be close between the Xbox and Playstation but Sony will definitely get the lead out the gate. Problem with that is that for the Xbox is that if the mid-tier gamers who don't care about Halo and Just play the annual titles like COD & Madden catch on, it will hurt Microsoft because Microsoft depends upon that crowd.