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walsufnir said:
darkknightkryta said:
walsufnir said:
darkknightkryta said:
dsgrue3 said:

Is fachhochschule the equivalent of graduate school, more along the lines of a Master's degree or is University just 2 years there and then the next 2 are fachhochschule? 

It sounds like a similar curriculum from the standpoint of theory, but the way it was structured here was adding the practical aspect of coding the algorithms, programs, principles, and even maths with differential equations. Every bit of theory was related back to coding, except in physics/calc and the general university required courses.

I hated MIPS, I hated assembly. That low level stuff never seemed interesting to me. One thing I regret is not taking the lab for digital logic to play with the FPGAs and such. I imagine it would have been very beneficial to seeing more than just the theory, seeing the adders and MUXs and all that.

You didn't miss much, all you see is a bunch of lights light up to tell you your output.  The x86 assembly however, that was fun.

So yiu have no idea what FPGAs can do. Thanks for telling us.

Nope XD.  I just remember what our final lab was and it was to program an eprom.  We had them hooked up the the boards and the only way we knew what was programmed right was a light indicator to let us know our bits were right.  We had to draw up a lot of designs for boolean circuits though.  But that was for the other portion of the class.

To me it was one class. You had to code in VHDL, you had to write down graphs, data-paths and stuff (until we found out there is a tool for it in the tool-chain by Xilinx :D), we had to do reports, clock analysis... It was very intense, like all labs at my university.

We had a lot of classes on boolean circuits leading into assembly.  Our Discrete Math class started out with boolean circuits.  Our circuitry class was split into a lab and lecture.  The lab course was an engineering course where we programmed VHDL, we had to use Sparc machines for that one.  It's also where we had to program that eprom.  Though the eprom lab was optional so I didn't do it (But I went in with everyone else who did so we could look at them).  That entire class we merged into one computer class, so vhdl programming and all that fancy was removed.  You had to make digital circuits instead.  The following class was an introduction into assembly.  We programmed 6809 assmembly for CISC and I believe we had to learn... maybe it was an arm processor for RISC.  I can't rememebr.  Then was the final x86 assembly class.  I also took advance organization which dealt with more theory on stuff like caches and programming languages.  That stuff was more theory though.  It was interesting to compare execution speed of different processors though, the emulation layer for CISC processors are killer.  But the hardware classes got slimmed down for whatever reason; the x86 class was removed all together, though it was the most fun of them all.