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Nsanity said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The PS3 was more powerful but traded but the architecture was bad for multiplats. The PS4 is still more powerful than the next Xbox but this time Sony created the hardware around what will make development easier for third parties.

Instead of having just better looking exclusives they'll have the equal or better multiplats. Thats a tough pill to swallow for some, but they will just have to deal with that.

MS can keep trying to fix the Xbox's PR issues (graphics being one of them) but when the games come out the theories are out the window.

The PS3 had an inferior ram and GPU.

The PS3 didn't explicitly have inferior RAM, it was just less versatile because it was evenly split between VRAM and system RAM, while the Xbox 360 shared the RAM and could choose how it was divided. I believe the PS3's XDR RAM was actually significantly faster, although I'm not sure if that offsets the advantage of the Xbox 360 having 10mb of eDRAM.

The GPU doesn't make a system, especially in the case of PS3 vs 360 and Cell vs Xenon.

EDIT: Forgot to say, the article forum post is terrible. Why did you even bother posting this?