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Kresnik said:
JWeinCom said:

Eh... Sony has great stuff for kids this year?  Aside from Epic Mickey, they haven't done anything this year to cater to that audience, and Epic Mickey 2 wasn't appealing to children or anything else.  Sly Cooper seems more aimed at people who played the game on the original PS2.  Of course neither of those games seemed to appeal to kids on the Vita, so the point still stands.  The Vita doesn't have appealing software for kids, and having unappealing kids software doesn't really help their cause.

Given the fact they were pushing Sly Cooper with an animation short this year, it at least felt like they were aiming to get a younger audience involved.

And again, the point wasn't that they're having crazy successes this year (I agree with you; they're not).  The point is this time last year, they seemingly didn't care about targeting this audience at all.  This year, they are at least attempting it with both games and advertising:

Maybe it won't work - in fact, I think it probably won't (although achieved some late-in-life success in Europe aiming at kids with Invizimals).  But there's no way of knowing until they try.

I don't think Ratchet and Clank the movie is gonna be rated 18...

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?