S.T.A.G.E. said: Pirating does not an underrated game make. Halo has been pirated, the Witcher has been pirated. Piracy shows demand even if it doesnt always lead to a sale. I am talking about a game that couldnt reach a million on two platforms. Alan Wake was a good game, not one of my favorites of all time, but it was good. I will probably review in all it after I play the DLC from my Steam bundle. Catherine is a game that challenged me and gave me something different to tackle, being a Japanese game made by Altus...whom is up for grabs to the highest bidder right now. Thats underrated and so was the PR for the game. |
Nah, that's not the point I was trying to make. I do get your point.
Alan Wake had a very long development cycle. So it's fairly safe to assume it is an expensive game. It changed and evolved as they made it. The company needs to make all that money back and more to continue to make more games.
And according to someone else on this thread, according to Remedy it has sold over 3 Million. (Probably a few like me, I bought it digital, so I don't show up in VGC numbers.) Still that's another 2+ million who played it and pirated- and the developers didn't make any revenue from it. Even if only half those people purchased the game, they would have a few extra million to make more games and perhaps a sequel.
I don't know the pirating rate of Catherine, but seems that company, Altus, could have used more purchases too. I do remember a bunch of good press when it came out.
Either way, the more consumers actually purchase the game, the better for the developers and ultimately us gamers (unless the CEO's take it all - glances to the right.)