Wright said:
True, true, but they can still be tricky. Like there was one, near an outhouse, that I could see, but had gone on too much so I couldn't get back to it. Had to play the enter level over again to get to the step before to find it And on Nightmare level when baddies are chasing you.
But when I had finished playing through, a few times, and still had two Coffee Thermoses missing. I really had no clue. Tried to think of where they might be and looked online.
But the achievements still seem more possible than some of the Halo ones. Like 'Kill all the bad guys with this one gun and never use any other weapon in 90 minutes or less.' Some of those I just go, "I'm not even going to try. " (Yes, I am exaggerating, but I think you know what I mean.)
Good luck on it. Too bad we can't coop on the game.