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Frankly they'e not marketing this game well. It's so confusing, they aren't trying enough to explain it.

I want to like it, but I don't feel it yet. Mostly I am (somewhat) hyped just because Platinum is making it, so I'm hoping for a smart game with depth and cool humor at the same time.

I hope they don't expect this to sell well. As I said they're doing their worst in explaining it, mistakes in marketing. Also why are they presenting it as an awkward child-superheroes cartoon in this trailer? That market is miniscule. It's a very niche game, borderline extreme niche. Nothing wrong with that, I love originality, but as I said I hope they realize this won't sell many copies.

In the perdiction thread I said 230K before end of 2013, but this trailer made me realize even that is too optimistic. Even with a 90% Meta it won't sell 200K before end of 2013.