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Shokio over at the fantastic site Gamin Realm, has written an opinion piece on Sony’s newest iOS and Android game, PlayStation All-Stars Island. Apparently he’s not too happy with the game. 

Shokio is a big fan of PlayStation All-Stars, so I don’t think he appreciated Sony spending time and resources on this app instead of supporting the actual game.

“As one of the few people who actually bought, played, and thoroughly enjoyed Playstation All-Stars, I’m somewhat offended by this. It’s a total and complete mockery to the PS3 and Vita title, and I don’t see how Sony can’t realize that they are disrespecting and devaluing their own Playstation brand by doing such a silly, bizarre move like this. The Playstation brand isn’t above iOS games Sony? They’re not worth more than that?

I always understood why, but now I really see why Nintendo simply refuses to throw their beloved franchises on mobile devices. It’s flat-out debauchery and feels completely unnatural.”

Heres more of his thoughts:


'Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock-n-roll.'
-Shigeru Miyamoto