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LordTheNightKnight said:
DragonLord said:
Not a chance, it would have to be totally rebuilt from the ground up. The wii is a WONDEFUL system and very innovative with a lot of great games, but I think a lot of people truly don't understand the difference in processing & graphical power between the wii & the 360/ps3.


Funny how you all seem to know what the Wii's limits are. [/sarcasm]

And it would not have to be totally rebuilt. Most downgraded ports are rebuit for the system, like RE4. Capcom basically stated they had to redo the ENTIRE engine to fit around the PS2. And the difference is irrelevant. Without texture compression, they could NOT port the difference. They had to port the WHOLE game.

Yet it STILL cost a fraction of a full PS2 game. Why, because half the work was done.

Sure a Wii game would need redrawn textures, but they would be redrawn based off the already finished art, not from the HD models. Same with the polygon count.

And if they had to reduce some of the scale, due to less AI or shorter draw distance, they would do it. It's not that hard to decide you need 6 enemies in a room instead of 10 or 12. You just adjust the challenge accordingly.


Now this is not proof games are coming, just showing that you overestimate the work on a downgraded port. 


And to lower the enemies on screen, to lower the resolutions, to gimp the textures, to lower the polygon count, to reduce the enemy AI....BLAH!  IT'S NOT THE SAME FREAKING GAME AT THAT POINT!  It's like comparing Call of Duty 4 on the DS to that of the 360, just not quite as extreme...ps2 games are not the same as 360 games even when "it's the same game"....they are the same game, but they AREN'T EVEN CLOSE.  I'm not disrespecting the Wii at all.  I love it.  I'm just saying that you're comparing a mule to a race horse.  Look at the hardware specs...that's all you need to see.

It can be done, but it's not the same game.

Maybe a better comparison is the upcoming Ghostbusters game...look at the wii version and then look at the ps3/360 version.  They are doing the Wii version completely separately and differently.  Why?  And don't say it's to adapt for the motion controls...that's BS denial.  The reason they are doing a completely different build is because they would have to so gimp a port that it wouldn't be recognizable as the same game.  People would scream about "lazy" developers.  The wii has it's strengths, but that doesn't mean it can keep up with the 360/ps3 games.  The wii has its own unique and entertaining games and advantages.  Let it have those in peace.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450