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Something for the PS3 fans to think of:

"A rising tide raises all ships, and a falling tide lowers all ships"

The Wii is the perfect example of the "rising tide" effect being that (regardless of quality or marketing) all games that have been released for the Wii have sold very well, and most games have sold better than their Gamecube counterparts.

The PS3 at the same time is a good example of the "falling tide" effect being that even high quality big budget games with huge marketing budgets tend to struggle, no game has performed as well as their PS2 counter part, and their best selling games (Motorstorm, Ratchet and Clank, and Resistance) have seen massive sales boosts because they were bundled.

This isn't to say that Metal Gear Solid 4 will sell poorly, but selling at (or near) PS2 levels is far above "selling well" and it is unrealistic to expect MGS4 match MGS3 or MGS2's sales.