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Scoobes said:
Zero999 said:
Scoobes said:

When they made the engines for those games the PS3 and 360 were new and the most powerful consoles available. There's a reason (actually, probably 2 reasons) why Morrowind never made it to PS2 even though it had the largest user base.

OT: Completely expected. If they release the same games (from PC/PS4/X1) on PS3/360 but not WiiU then there's obviously a non-hardware issue, but I see no reason not to believe them until someone proves otherwise.

Edit- Just realised the games in the OP are also coming to PS3/360, so this isn't solely a hardware issue.

wrong, there is no hardware issue. anything made with ps4/xone in mind can be ported to wii u.

That's completely dependent on the game and engine in question. We've yet to see any games that make any use of the PS4/X1 architecture, let alone titles that are actually coded effciently for the three consoles. You then have the question of how much work a port would actually be and how much the developers would have to tone down the graphics, physics, size and interactivity to get the game to run smoothly. Or what sort of concessions the developers might have to make.

Porting down to weaker hardware often means making concessions. Take the original Deus Ex for instance; the levels are half the size of the original game seriously impacting the potential enjoyment of the game.

Whilst a port for a hypothetical game might be possible, if it significantly impacts the final product in a negative way (the "hardware issue") or if the effort to port the game isn't cost effective, then the developer isn't going to bother.

since the engines are all being built with scalability in mind and the difference between the hardwares isn't that big, I'd say it should take less work than what devs got used this past gen.