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I wouldn't complain if it was true. I'm not sure more RAM has ever been a bad thing, and it doesn't seem that long ago that having 2gb of RAM in a PC was deemed overkill. I'm not totally convinced by the source article, but I guess we'll see if more news comes to light.

But just to add to "conspiracy theories" proving there may be some truth in it - as well as the "non mentioning" of RAM on the official Xbox site unveiling article - in the Major Nelson unboxing video, he seemed pretty determined to only show one side of the box, and got it out of the picture pretty quickly... Could the other side (ie. Not the side that lists the boxes content that he showed) have details of specs, that eagle eyed video zooming editor types could use to leak this hardware upgrade?

Probably not, but I love some unfounded gossip - especially when there's some flimsy evidence to back it up that gives it some small credibility.