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I just watched Oblivion, great movie for the big screen. Not knowing much about the movie yet, I did get an early "Moon on big budget" vibe from it. I was not far off. The story was the least interesting part, full of the usual cliches, inconsistencies and unbelievable action scenes. Still it was entertaining enough to keep the movie going, I only checked the clock a couple of times, 6/10.

The extras were more interesting. Awesome to see how they constructed the sky tower set, the actual flying machine, and used 14 HD projectors to project the sky in behind the set to get all the reflections right instead of using a green screen. Iceland was also a perfect choice for the location. Visual design is outstanding throughout, only some cgi add-ins looked a bit fake. (Half a suspension bridge and office towers fused into canyon walls?). 9/10.

One of the other extras is the isolated score by M83 in a 5.1 Dolby TrueHD 96khz mix. I watched the beginning of the movie again with the isolated score and I might actually prefer the movie that way. Beautiful music, beautiful visuals, subtitles are good enough for the rest.

Not far off Tron Legacy overall. I will watch it again for the sights and sounds. Next time when I have the house to myself and can give the surround setup a good workout.