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PSV <<<<<< 3DS

Seems even to me Õ.õ

OT:WiiU will pass Vita, To be fair for the people saying wait for TGS or any other event, Been saying the same thing over and over again. What happen to E3? ("It was PS4 Spotlight presentation"). Vita willl continue to do well in japan, will do better once a price drop comes to both hardware+ memory cards to the west. But I see WiiU overtaking them, maybe not soon but who knows, If Vita stays passed them, then thats fine as well as long as games come out.

Last thing why do people think PS4 will massively push Vita? I mean I know why, but people are going to be spending money on PS4 and games, and majority of people wanting a Bundle are the people who already own Vita. Vita doesn't need PS4, it needs games which is why WiiU is doing Terrible.