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kowenicki said:
Mandalore76 said:
Will XBox One sell 1 billion consoles? No chance. Will the big three each sell 333 million consoles to combine for 1 billion consoles sold? Still no chance.

...aaaaaaand another one.

Just answering the op's question.   Do you think XBox One will sell one billion consoles?  Answered.  Updated op:  Do you think all home consoles combined will sell one billion consoles?  Answered. 

No need for you to be touchy about it.  If it bothers you that much that the op's direct question is being answered, either have the thread closed or maybe don't follow it.  Correcting the op regarding his/her understanding of the article is fine.  But the people answering aren't answering/commenting on the article.  They are answering the op's direct question.