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Zappykins said:

It's it good?

I am not good at turning down free games. It's a problem of mine.

I did like defense grid, but haven't had a chance to finish it yet.

Please don't kill me for saying this, but two games a month is almost like too many.  Unless, I guess if you really hate the game, but they have all been rather good to great games.

yeah it's not a bad game at all, it sold really really well tho when it came out but that was mostly because it was a very early game for the 360 and it had a beta invite to play Halo 3 I believe it was, recall 2 of my mates at the time buying this game just to play that beta. But yeah an 83% metacritic rated game for free, can't really complain here. Like I mentioned btw if you aren't wanting to download it now because of bandwidth limits or ADHD jumping you from game to game you can just click the link I gave and confirm buying the game and then you'll have the license for it for whenever you do want to play it you'll have the option to download it from the store for free.

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