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A.) It's a failure as the successor to the Wii in terms of being a blockbuster phenomenon in bringing in casuals basically on concept alone (motion controller + Wii Sports = sold out for 2 years). Only something that is the equivalent to Wii Sports for 2013/14 will, and Nintendo Land + asymetric gaming thus far has utterly failed in that respect. All the Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Smash Bros. Mario Kart, etc. games aren't going to change this or make up for it.

B.) It will improve its situation to GameCube-N64 levels once the price is lowered and more games out, because that will at least bring in the Nintendo faithful. So it won't be this level of absolute failure for much longer; the situation will improve.

Whether or not you think think point B warrants calling the system overall a success is basically up to you.