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curl-6 said:
ninjablade said:
curl-6 said:
ninjablade said:

not really, when i mean slightly, i mean something like ps3 to 360 mulitplatform games, it will be very close to current gen versions and worlds apart from the nextgen versions. basically best case scenerio for watch dogs for wiiu is need for spped wiiu type port, just slighlty better.

But again, who decides what's "slightly"? You do. And you'll say it's slightly in order to win the bet.

to me slighty means basically looking the same, minus a a few better textures here and there, everybody with eyes know what slightly means, if the wiiu version any where near the next versions then it will not be slightly.

"Slightly" is not a clear cut parameter though. The point is, why should people take a bet where the deciding factor is decided by you? It's basically a bet where you get to decide whether or not you win.

i dont get it, people are saying it wont look anything like the 360/ps3 versions i'm saying it will basically look the same, just like ps3/360/wiiu muliplatform games in the past, is that hard for you to understand