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Guilty Pleausres. Everyone has them. Those secret sources of enjoyment that are considered distasteful by others on the site. Some of those pleasures will be met with laughter, others with genuine intrigue, and still others with downright disgust. But that’s a part of what makes everyone an individual. So don’t be shy. Come in and share. I’ll start.

Copycat Threads

I’m not sure why I find these so hilarious, but I do. Lately, they’ve been rare due to the mods cracking down on them, so the only prominent ones I can think of are threads like this and this rom a long time ago. I also tend to enjoy the MAJOR flop threads, but they're played out now. There’s nothing particularly creative or witty about these types of threads but I enjoy them nonetheless.

Ridiculously absurd troll threads that people take seriously

Hit-and-run threads are a good example, but sometimes that doesn’t have to be the case. This is any thread that obviously should not be taken seriously because of how bizarre it is, yet a large group of users still try to respond with logic in the thread. I find these absolutely delightful. A good example can be any FattyDingDong Thread back in his heyday such as this or this or this.

My favorite example is a LeoJ thread from a while ago where he claimed that Uncharted 1 looked better than any Xbox 360 game. Now this was made in September 2010, so it should be obvious that people shouldn’t have taken the thread seriously since the 360 had plenty of games that looked better than Uncharted 1, but many people did take the thread seriously! What makes it especially enjoyable was that whenever someone posted a screenshot or a video of a superior looking multiplat or 360 exclusive, LeoJ would say, “Nope, that’s not proof. It doesn’t look better”, and would proceed to post an obviously inferior Uncharted 1 screenshot. This thread went beyond mere baiting and trolling. This reached some sort of level of mind-control, where people were forced to repeatedly try to convince LeoJ he was wrong, even though they knew such a task was impossible. It was great.

Overly Dramatic Departures from the site (i.e. metldowns)

I come to this site to wind down and maybe have some fun. But for some people, forums are serious and stressful business. Not sure why people would waste their time to add more stress to their lives, but that’s how some people are. Anyway, these people can become so stressed that they just lose it and have a meltdown, usually followed by a spectacular departure from the site. It’s amazing. I enjoyed Selnor's meltdown, but my absolute favorite was lilbroex. Good times, man. Good times.

Spurgeoryan Threads

Indubitably the most shameful part of this list. It seems that there is a certain legion of people on this site who hates Spurge with a passion. I admit, I used to be a part of this group as well. Back in the day when he would make 100s of threads per hour, all with one or two sentences in the OP, I hated him too. But now, he seems to have lowered the quantity and has (tried to) improve the quality; a lot of his threads seems that he has put at least some thought into his threads. It was hard for me to admit it, but…I enjoy Spurge Threads. A few times I find myself literally LOLing at his threads, which is rare. Yeah, I know, mostly all of his threads make absolutely no sense whatsoever (like this one), but I don’t know… I like it. He’s honest and not afraid to speak his mind, even if was he’s saying is detestable. I can respect that. I know he’s a genuine user on here. 


What about you? What are your guilty pleasures?