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twilight_link said:
Soundwave said:

The root of most of their problems really does stem from their reluctance to increase their development capability. Yes, sure they have added staff, but it's pretty much offset by the fact that the 3DS/Wii U require more developer resources, so in effect they're not getting any more games and that's unacceptable.

Losing Rare and not replacing them with a comparable Western studio that could output at least 1 console title per year was a mistake IMO.

Western developers are fickle and nothing more, Nintendo suffered this with both Rare and Retro bleeding talents constantly, similar SK and Factor 5.

Well the thing is you can't just cry about it and take your ball home because Western developers happen to have some more turnaround.

There are plenty of Western developers they could finance projects from like they do with Japanese companies such as Platinum Games and Mistwalker.

That was the other maddening thing is they greenlit all these "mid-tier" budget Japanese games like Takt of Magic, Pandora's Tower, Dynamic Slash, Line Attack Heroes, The Last Story, Disaster: Day of Crisis, etc. and then didn't bother to really push any of them or bring many of them to the West. And all of them pretty much bombed in Japan too. It's just like ... who were these games even made for? They didn't let Western consumers play half of them, and the Japanese didn't want any of them either.

I'd be willing to bet say a new Star Wars: Rogue Squadron game from Factor 5 would've outsold any of those on the Wii or Wii U, but they ignored Factor 5 when they were begging Nintendo to help them out.


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