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ultima said:

1) No, it doesn't. The list still specifies Joseph. Then it says, son of Heli. Where do you get Mary from?

2) Your conclusion that Mary had descended from David is based on an earlier assumption that the lineage is indeed Mary's. In other words, this is circular reasoning.

Calm down.

He got Mary from the greek term tou, by omission. I had bolded it for you you should have read it:

"Renowned Greek scholar A.T. Robertson points out that Luke employs the definite article toubefore each name, except Joseph’s.2 This seems to indicate that a better translation would be “Jesus being (as was supposed the son of Joseph) the son of Heli” with the understanding that Jesus was the grandson of Heli through Mary."

2) On top of that, I hope you understand that Joseph can't have two biological fathers.