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Carl2291 said:

NIntendo's goal wasnt to simply "sell the Wii U". Nintendo's goal was to sell 5.5 Million Wii Us. Nintendo failed at selling 5.5 Million Wii Us. The Wii U failed.

It needs to be taken back to the original definitions I gave you. A lack of success. Falling short. The woman didnt have success in the career goal. She fell short and ended up being a waitress. She was a failure because she didnt reach the goal(s) she set herself, though she still carried on working and we can assume she has met different goals. The Wii U hasnt had success in any sales goal. Its fallen short and ended up selling less. It hasnt reached any goal Nintendo set for it, though it will carry on selling and eventually it will hit different goals.

If you can call the woman a failure for not reaching a career goal, it is more than okay for people to call the Wii U a failure for not reaching any sales goal.

zorg1000 said:

Sorry to butt into ur convo but id have to agree with dolphin. Her goal was to be an actress for the rest of her life and she failed. Wii U yes failed to sell 5.5 million in 4 months but its unknown whether it will reach its lifetime goals.

This is silly, because we have no idea what "lifetime" goals are for videogames consoles other than "To win" and "To make money". Companies dont give out a lifetime sales projection.

What we do know is that currently, the Wii U hasnt hit a single goal that Nintendo as a company have publicly set. Right now, it is a failure because it isnt meeting goals (It hasnt met any goal). This doesnt mean that it cant go on to be a success.


I have a question -

When taking into account that a failure is something that doesnt reach goals set for it, to this date, has the Wii U been a failure since launch?


Ultimately, it's best to just offer a scope, because without a scope, the phrase is more easily incorrect in its expected interpretation.

"The U is a failure" will be interpretted 80% of the time as incorrect, given the U's scope as a console running a console lifetime race. 20% of the people will instantly realize you are talking about it being a failure now in its Q1 to Q3 performance, offering an implicit scope.

"The U failed its launch" or "The U launch was a failure" will be interpretted properly 100% of the time.

Bottom line is, the best way to troll is to use vague or ambiguous terms which can be easily misinterpretted. Best practice is to avoid it at all costs. Forums suck enough as it is.

It really is vague at best, I still think it's incorrect to word it that way.