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Carl2291 said:

Check what its about. A goal. Reaching a goal. The woman didnt reach the goal of being an actress(5.5 Million Wii U's), yet she still gets by in life because she still has a waitressing career (3.5 Million WIi U's). Because she didnt reach the goal she set, you just called her a failure.

So why are you saying the Wii U cant be called a failure, when it hasnt reached 1 single goal that Nintendo aimed at so far?

Facepalm indeed.

Facepalm indeed. Let's consider that a shaking of the hands, because this is going nowhere.

The woman failed at being an actor, the U did not fail at being a console. It failed its launch, sure, much like an actor can fail their first years. But to fail as an actor altogether is a little much.

Think what you will, but if this far usage of failure as all the sources I've provided have shown that your interpretation of the definitions is false, you will be facepalming for quite a longtime with a big hand that's called reality.