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silentdj151 said:


It comes down if you believe George Zimmerman or not.

I do not and you do.

I do not know for fact if his head slammed into concrete and neither do you I do.

So stop spreading misinformation!


Martin is dead due to wreckless and terrible decision making of zimmerman who did not use reasonable force in self defense = manslaughter

Martin commited no crimes that night.

You mention stand your Ground so if you want to go there. Martin actually had more claim to stand your ground then Zimmerman. Martin was near his "castle" and had a right to defend himself.  Based on Martin's friend who was on the phone with him at the time of encounter he said he was scared and being followed. 

Like I said George Zimmermans life will suck forever...

Okay, more misinformation spread by you. First of allwe do know his head was bashed in due to physical evidence of him being struck at least 8 times and eyewitness testimony of john good. Its obvious you didnt watch any of the case now.

I didnt know assault wasnt a crime... but hey that line just proves my point with you. Unwilling to look at the facts and want to spread lies

Secondly, no trayvon had no legal grounds to claim stand your ground. Being followed for less than a block doesnt give reasonable fear that you are in grave bodily harm. Especially after you lose the guy following you. On top of that, watch the testimony of the law professor when he states if the person being attacked starts fighting back and then the aggressor feels he is in great bodily harm then he has the right to use deadly force if its a reasonable fear.