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J_Allard said:

Stalking Willful, malicious, and repeated following or harassing 704.048

Willful? yes. Malicious? No. Repeated? No. 1 out of 3 requirements. Nice try but you fail

Not only that but Zimmerman still didn't stalk Trayvon using your definition.

Also, as you are obviously completely clueless, the police/prosecution can press charges without a complaint... or do you think if you rape someone and kill them you can't be charged with rape?

Can police press charges on there own without permission from the victim?

for example:Addam hit dave with a bottle in the eye.

Dave punched Adam back in the eye

Both have black eyes,addam gets mad and calls the cops

the cops come and question us one by one addam tells the cops that i was arguing with him he hit dave with a bottle

but addam then decided he didnt want to do anything neither did dave,Can the cop say(well for waisting my time im pressing charges against dave for aggrevated assault,and im charging addam for battery) obnoxiously without the permmision from neither of the suspects?

The cops do not press charges. The prosecutor office does. They will look at who was the aggressor. Most likely the use of the bottle will rule. If charges are brought and a trial is held, you will come to court and if you refuse they will arrest you and keep you in jail until you testify. If you refuse to testify, you will be sentenced to contempt and sit in jail until the trial is over.
The judge will likely allow your statement to the police to come in and you will have gained nothing but some jail time.

s--attorney 25 years