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Wait are people on here really discussing how true a book was written 2000 years ago by people who thought that 5 and 2 of every species on earth would fit on a boat, wouldn't lead to the most inbred mongeloid creatures within 2-3 generations? Not to mention that all the fish life on earth would survive in a massive fresh water flood? really?

Well besides how great a read the Bible is, this interview was an absolute travesty for her to suggest that because of his background and religion he shouldn't ever write a book regarding anyone elses views but yet Fox News would be the first to show anything going on in the Islamic countries and judge the shit out of what they're doing. Heck even on a more personal lvl would it be her opinion that no one on here can ever add a contribution to a discussion about a system/company they don't worship hah? this place would get pretty quiet.

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