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Runa216 said:

See bolded.  you claimed that you didn't see gospels contradicting one another, I gave practically the first three google links that shows the MANY examples where gospels and books in the bible contradict one another.  How could you possibly put so much stock in a book that has more inconsistencies than multidimensional comic books?  

Also, you pointed out in a response to another that "Evolution keeps changing its tune, just like creationism does, because science does that kind of thing and both theories are based on science."  Let me just say that, no.  Just no.  There is absolutely no science backing intelligent design.  Claiming that Science supports intelligent design is like saying that  you're using math to solve a sudoku puzzle with random numbers.  

Please, stop being foolish and pushing your evangelical nonsense on others as though it were a rational, respecable argument.  It's getting old. 

@bold. You can't say that. If I report you you're going to get banned, and I want to talk. Stop pegging me in a pigeonhole. What does it matter what religion I believe, I don't have an agenda, I simply trust more the bible than the naturalistic sources you trust. I'm not gonna report you this time but seriously stop.

@No science backing intelligent design. Do you realize that is a site filled with a plethora of scientific articles using modern science to explain what they believe to be biblical phenomenon which can be explained by science? In other words, they try to hold the bible accountable to modern-day science. It's not pseudo-science I've gone over this with you a million times. Have you even read some of their articles?

@Contradictions. I went through your list and there were not many NT ones. The contradictions of the NT I skimmed over were "Scarlet" rather than "Purple" for Christ's robe, or "Vinegar" versus "Wine with myrrh", stuff that makes the sources even MORE credible as these are eye-witness accounts.

And again, I asked for other historical texts that support each other as much. You still haven't provided any.

@Evolution keeps changing its tune. Are you seriously saying that evolution got it right the first time and didn't change since Darwin?