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happydolphin said:
Runa216 said:
happydolphin said:

I have read nearly the whole thing bar a prophetic book or two and I believe Numbers. I have also read some aprocryphal text.

No, so far I have found the gospels do not contradict each other and when contradiction points are shown they are always highly debatable, for instance the genealogy of Jesus.

For such ancient texts, they hold up exceedingly well. I challenge you to find any other historical books that so strongly agree, being possibly without contradiction.

Good luck, get back to me when you find it.

@Addiekienen. No.

You sure about that, bub?  

Heh, I didn't ask for bible contradictions, I asked for historical books that so strongly agreed with each other (let's not misread each other please). You can find spots on a white rag, but it doesn't change the fact that it's white, and the spots might just be on the lens.

Having said that I'll look at the contradictions give me a sec.

(Edit: Runa, I was talking about the gospels, not the bible as a whole)

@MDMAlliance. It doesn't matter, because I could cite many inconsistencies in the evolutionary theory along its history and that wouldn't help either cause. These viewpoints refine themselves over time, so it's pointless to point out flaws from the past from either side.

See bolded.  you claimed that you didn't see gospels contradicting one another, I gave practically the first three google links that shows the MANY examples where gospels and books in the bible contradict one another.  How could you possibly put so much stock in a book that has more inconsistencies than multidimensional comic books?  

Also, you pointed out in a response to another that "Evolution keeps changing its tune, just like creationism does, because science does that kind of thing and both theories are based on science."  Let me just say that, no.  Just no.  There is absolutely no science backing intelligent design.  Claiming that Science supports intelligent design is like saying that  you're using math to solve a sudoku puzzle with random numbers.  

Please, stop being foolish and pushing your evangelical nonsense on others as though it were a rational, respecable argument.  It's getting old. 

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