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Adinnieken said:

Wrong.  Creationism believed the Earth was the center of the universe, and that everything, including the Sun revolved around it before science proved that the Earth orbitted the Sun, that our Solar system is not the center of the Universe, but instead a system in an arm of a galaxy that is far the center of the galaxy and further still from the center of the universe.   Creationism does not account for plate techtonics.  The Earth according to Creationism was is the same as it was when God formed it.  Oh, and Creationism doesn't account for a planetoid body crashing into the Earth creating the Moon.  Creationsim does not account for evolution.  Revisionistic Creationism is cute, but I grew up prior to it and I'm well aware of what Creationism is. 

Bold 1 and bold 2 are simply untrue.

Geocentrism ->

Plate techtonics ->