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ListerOfSmeg said:

Actually scientific data does point to a world wide flood as it has been documented that so far under the soil on any given part of the planet checked so far that there are signs of water and lifeforms only present in water.

While I wont disgree everything in the bible is not fact, you dont really know enough to make those claims as your one and only example is completely wrong.

Most of the stories in the Bible predate the Bible by a good bit. It was not a book written at one time but over hundreds, thousands of years.

Considering the Bible acurately dipics how the world and universe begain. i think its a bit silly to dismiss it as complete fiction or that the people in it are real and a part of history but the events must be fake
Absolutely no science says the Bible accurately depicts how the world and universe began.

God said let their be light and bam.. We now call that the big bang. 
... Are you trolling? Because that makes no sense.

The Earth was void and without form.. We know the Earth formed over billions of years as dust particles combined together to make a spot that once looked void and formed a planet.
The Bible says the Universe was made in just a couple of days.  Including Earth as we know it and life as we know it.

We know there was a world flood but that story actually predates Christianity and many other religions by a few thousand years.

A man having heard that there was once a man that God made live forever went in search of the man to see if it was true. After a long travel he finally met the man that was immortal and he asked him what he did to become immortal.He explained that the creator came to him and tasked him with creating a vessel to help arry his creatures in as a great flood was coming. However this man would not be able to buid it within his lifetime so the creatortold him that to ensure it was built the man would no longer die.

You know, almost every single one of your comments you have ever made seemed ridiculous.  I'm not even sure if you're being serious.