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Flanneryaug said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

No...they wont struggle like Nintendo has. Nintendo had content and marketing issues post launch. If it wasnt the Wii they didnt care.

I don't know about marketing issues, because it is too early to tell if Sony and Microsoft's marketing will be effective or not, but I'm sure that both will have content issues. Both have no huge system sellers coming out until at least holiday 2014.

It will. They will sell slowly the first year for them, but slow for them is still better than Nintendos first year. There will be more games and more variety than Nintendo could've offered first year on both consoles exclusively. I am calling ten million first year. It was media issues, most people dont know or care about a tablet. Either that or Nintendo has gone into hiding because their messaging has been wrong. If they were going to use a tablet they ned to sell its value to people. The reason being is Sony and Microsoft much like Nintendo in their heyday were selling straight forward consoles with a large amount of third party exclusives as well as their primary exclusives. These Wiimotes and tablets are huge risks. Either it catches on or it doesnt like every gimmick. MS will trail Sony until Halo 5 launches and then it will get super competitive.