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They are only just getting the software that we were expecting in the "launch window" though.

I actually got a Wii U for Rayman and Pikmin 3. One of those came out here this weekend, the other isn't out for another good few weeks!

I think Wii U will be fine. Tbh, it's just been a general trend with games consoles lately, people aren't as eager to jump right in now, they want the software to be there and a price drop first. The last system to fly out the games was Wii, which already had the killer app on day 1 and a (much) lower price especially considering that killer app was in the box!.

I think some people are extremely over-analytical of early performance of consoles and trying to push the "dooooomed" crap way too soon, especially if it's not from their preferred manufacturer.

Give it a couple more Nintendo exclusives, and it'll be okay. It might not be a 100m seller, but it doesn't need to be.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.