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thismeintiel said:

And that was 2 secs that I saved for something else.  Thanks. 

We'll just have to continue to disagree on the "threat."  Personally, I see Beer more in the wrong on this than Fish.  I find it funny people are criticising Fish for reacting that way to someone insulting him, completely ignoring and/or excusing Beer for being the first to react poorly to criticism, starting the insults.  Blow's and Fish's original criticism weren't even harsh, and really just shed more light on the poor state that game "journalism" is in.  Guess some people can't handle constructive criticism, can't return in kind, and instead resort to insults.

I suppose I should go "ha ha aren't you cheeky :P", but seriously, do your own research. I for one am not inclined to take opinions seriously when the person offering them hasn't bothered to actually look at what they're talking about.

And Beer doesn't get any slack here. But he was being unreasonable in his tone, not his criticism. Fish and Blow took potshots at media peoples who were just doing their jobs, and not going about it unreasonably either by publically rebuking them for no good reason. It was unprofessional, it was childish, and it was hypocritical, which was exactly the point Beer was making.

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.